We Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Record.Paragraph)

Quote #7

They say that there is a kind of flower that blooms only once a century. Then couldn't there be one that flowers only once every thousand years—or once every ten thousand years? Maybe there are and we just don't know it because today is itself that once-in-a-thousand-year moment. (23.1)

There's an interesting juxtaposition here between the order of nature (which signals a flower to bloom once a century) and the perceived chaos of observing it (we don't know when exactly the flower will bloom. By extension, there is no chaos in nature; just an order that the State is unable to understand or control.

Quote #8

But what you didn't know, and few do, is that a small group of them survived and stayed to live there, behind the walls. Naked, they went off into the woods. They learned from the trees, the beasts, the birds, the flowers, the sun. They grew hair all over, but under their fur, they harbored hot, red blood. It's worse for you: you are overgrown with numbers, numbers crawl all over you, like lice. You all need to be stripped of everything and be driven out naked into the forest. Let it teach you to shiver from fear, from joy, from mad rage, from the cold and to pray to the fire. And we, MEPHI, we want … (28.38)

I-330 is trying to give D-503 the courage to see nature as beautiful, and how its wild and scary and unpredictable elements are in fact essential to its beauty.

Quote #9

But we—we know, meanwhile, that there is no final number. Though we might forget it too. Yes—it's highly probable that we will forget it when we grow older—and everyone inevitably grows older. And then, unavoidably, down we will go like autumn leaves from a tree … just like all of you, the day after tomorrow when … No, no, my sweet—not you yourself. You are on our side, of course, you are on our side! (30.27)

Look at the description here, during a discussion of infinity. Suddenly, it becomes "autumn leaves from a tree," a sign that nature and mathematics (which the State uses against nature) are in fact completely intertwined.