We Rebellion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Record.Paragraph)

Quote #7

And we must all go crazy, it is essential that we all go crazy—as soon as possible! It is essential—I tell you! (27.33)

In a world this oppressive, where your every move is controlled quite literally, the only meaningful act of rebellion may be to go insane.

Quote #8

Well, which final revolution do you want then? There isn't a final one. Revolutions are infinite. Final things are for children because infinity scares children and it is important that children sleep peacefully at night … (30.16)

I-330 cleverly acknowledges that all revolutions are ultimately doomed, and conversely that you will never be able to stop them. A paradox! Just the sort of thing that the State is trying to stamp out.

Quote #9

But what if you didn't wait for it to happen—but jumped headfirst over the edge? Wouldn't that be the single most correct action, immediately untangling everything? (30.35)

Suicide as an act of defiance? It's not unheard of in the real world, and in a future world this bleak, some people might see it as the only option.