We Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Record.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Tonight at twenty-one o'clock O- was to come to me; therefore my desire to see her was quite natural. (4.2)

They really kind of suck the romance out of it, don't they?

Quote #5

A Number may obtain a license to use any other Number as a sexual product. (5.4)

Like we said, the lovey-dovey elements of sex kind of get squashed here. But again, it cements the notion that the State has dehumanized its citizens so much that this closest experience and exspression of human love becomes a simple "product."

Quote #6

"She was dressed in a saffron-yellow dress of an ancient style. This was a thousand times worse than if she had not been dressed at all." (10.24)

Here, sexuality becomes a sort of fetish, attached to the ancient dress she's wearing rather than to her. It helps tie the act in with the ancient culture it came from, and by extension the taboo thoughts about individual rights and freedoms.