Legend Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

"I really miss him," she whispers. "I thought he would be around for a long time, you know, someone I could always lean on. He was all I had left. And now he's gone, and I wish I knew why." (2.9.23)

All of June's actions were driven by the fact that she just really misses and mourns the loss of her brother. How could Day stay angry with her for that?

Quote #8

It's a good day. John had recently been assigned to work at our local steam plant. To celebrate, Mom sold one of her two dresses and an assortment of old pots, and spent all last week taking over shifts from her coworkers. The extra money was enough to buy a whole chicken. (2.13.8)

Even in the direst of circumstances, Day's family manages to make special occasions count. They'll obviously sacrifice anything to make each other happy—and this is an attitude that Day carries with him even when he has to run away from home.

Quote #9

Some of the anger fades from his eyes. "I would rather die than see them hurt you. Understand?" (2.13.27)

Young Day may have gotten their whole family in trouble, but John just wants him to be okay. He wants his little brother to be safe—and he'd rather give up his life than see him hurt. Little does he know that he's going to live up to those words…