Legend Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

Sometimes I wish I could find her a good home, some kid family willing to take her in. But every time I have this thought, I push it away—because Tess would be back on the Republic's grid if she ever joined a real family. (1.5.37)

In a way, both Tess and Day are barred from having real families. It's simply too dangerous for them, even though they're both young kids who long for a normal family life.

Quote #5

"Tess. Is she your younger sister?"

I hesitate. "Yeah, close enough. It was really Tess I wanted to keep safe with my dust bomb, you know." (1.13.28-29)

After having lived on the streets together for so long, Day and Tess have become family. They're fiercely loyal to each other and would see each other through anything, which is a good reminder that family doesn't just mean blood relations.

Quote #6

He hits me again, then one of his knees slams into my stomach. I gasp for air. I picture Eden and John and force myself to calm down, force away the pain. Stay strong. Don't let him get to you. (2.7.41)

Day has a quick temper and he usually loses it, but he can keep it in check for his brothers. He'd rather take the abuse than cause any harm to them.