Legend Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

"Don't question it. You don't have time for that." I hesitate. Day's eyes look so terrified—so vulnerable—that suddenly it takes all my strength to lie to him. I try to draw on the anger I felt last night. (1.20.3)

She may think that Day killed her brother, but June still has a hard time lying to Day's face—especially when she's worrying him about his family. It just seems a little bit unethical…

Quote #5

I'm trained not to take the word of a prisoner—I know that they'll lie, that they'll say anything they can to make you vulnerable. But this feels different. Somehow… he sounds so genuine, so serious. What if he is telling the truth? What if something else happened to Metias that night? (2.4.20)

Hardened criminals will lie about anything, but June just doesn't get that sense from Day. He's so earnest that she starts to rethink her conviction about Metias's death… what if she was wrong all along?

Quote #6

"A lie like that is treason against the Republic. Besides, why would Congress authorize such a thing?" (2.4.54)

June thinks that Day's lying about the Republic infecting people with the plague, but it turns out that the Republic is actually lying to all its citizens.