Legend Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

But when he speaks, his voice has a sad tinge to it. "Money is the most important thing in the world, you know. Money can buy you happiness, and I don't care what anyone else thinks. It'll buy you relief, status, friends, safety… all sorts of things." (1.16.11)

Money is still something that Day wants badly—not because he wants to be rich or powerful, but because he wants to feel relief. He wants to be able to provide for his family and not worry for them anymore.

Quote #8

I've worn nicer dresses before, and this one feels too modern and lopsided. This dress could've bought a kid in the slum sectors several months' worth of food. (2.2.9)

After coming back from the slums, June's perspective has shifted. Instead of just seeing a fabulous dress, she sees an expensive item that could have fed a child for months. How wasteful the rich are… and at such cost to the poor.

Quote #9

But I don't mention to her why my parents died or what Metias had revealed about the plagues in his blog entries. I'm too ashamed to say it straight to the face of two people living in the poor sectors. (2.12.42)

June can't even explain to Tess and Kaede the fact that the government—the very government she's been working for—has been knowingly poisoning and killing the poor people off. It's too horrible.