No Country for Old Men Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from No Country for Old Men.

Quote #4

Gas station attendant: I didn't put nothing up.

Chigurh: Yes, you did. You've been putting it up your whole life. You just didn't know it.

Chigurh sees all of human life as one big gamble. Life is something we risk every moment of every day without even realizing it. We hate to admit it, but he's kind of right: the truth is that any of us has the ability to die at any moment. Of course, the risks do go up when there's a psychotic killer on the loose. Just saying.

Quote #5

"Let me ask you something. If the rule you followed brought you to this, of what use was the rule?"

Anton Chigurh wants to come across as an impassive tool of fate, but he seems a little too stoked about how he's about to kill Carson Wells. Someone governed by an impersonal force shouldn't be this excited, right? He also takes a lot of pleasure in undermining Wells's code of getting as much money as you can. That's not nearly as noble a principle as Chigurh's, after all.

Quote #6

"I ain't gonna call it. […] The coin don't have no say. It's just you."

Carla Jean Moss may be a lowly retail employee, but she's one savvy lady who refuses to call Chigurh's coin toss and throws the biggest wrench yet into his belief that he's just the ambassador for some greater destructive force. For Carla Jean, there's no deep moral question to get tied up in knots about: Chigurh is responsible for his own actions, plain and simple.