No Country for Old Men Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from No Country for Old Men.

Quote #1

"I was sheriff of this county when I was 25 years old. Hard to believe."

Okay, so 25 was a long time ago for Sheriff Bell. But let's be honest: most people are going to remember being 25 pretty fondly. Doesn't mean things were actually better; it just means that he has the lovely glow of youthful optimism and good digestion to shed a rosy glow on life.

Quote #2

"My grandfather was a lawman. Father too."

Sheriff Bell comes from a line of police officers, and boy does he like to tell us about it. He likes feeling as if his job connects him the past generations because it makes him feel like he's contributing to something bigger than himself. Fair enough. And we bet if he went back and asked his dad and granddad, they'd have plenty of horror stories about those good old times to share.

Quote #3

"Some of the old-time sheriffs never even wore a gun."

One of Sheriff Bell's favorite old-timey anecdotes to share is that some of the county's early sheriffs didn't even carry guns when they worked. The courage and confidence in this kind of action—not to mention the suggestion that criminals were just nicer back then—makes Bell feel all warm and fuzzy. Today, though? He'd probably feel safer toting around a bazooka … or at least a portable steer-killer.