No Country for Old Men Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from No Country for Old Men.

Quote #4

"I always figured when I got older God would sort of come into my life somehow. And He didn't. And I don't blame him."

Sheriff Bell always thought that finding God was just a part of growing older, but it didn't work out that way for him. He actually has less faith as he gets older, since he's decided that the world is going to hell and that God has pretty much given up on him and humanity in general. We doubt that opinion is going to make him very popular at the nursing home.

Quote #5

"If I was Him, I'd have the same opinion of me that He does."

Sheriff Bell thinks that one of the reasons he has no faith is because God has judged him unworthy of His attention. Talk about feeling sorry for yourself. Want some cheese with that whine, Sheriff?

Quote #6

"You don't know what He thinks."

Sheriff Bell's relative Ellis isn't going to sit by and listen to Bell whine about how God has deserted him. The truth is that it often takes just as much faith to despair as it does to have hope. Sheriff Bell seems determined to think that the world is an awful place and assumes it's true because it's negative. But how can he know what God thinks? Isn't that the whole point of God?