Eubie/Junior Webster

Character Analysis

Eubie is the owner of Eubie's Hot Wax and purveyor of fine LPs. He's a kind old man with an affinity for jazz and surly teenagers. Cam loves to escape to his store whenever he can to find rare Great Tremolo records, but mostly because he views Eubie's place as a sanctuary.

Eubie is Cam's only real friend before he gets sick, and the saddest thing is that Cam isn't even aware of this fact. Eubie's always looking out for Cam's best interests, and he seems to genuinely like Cameron despite his disgruntled attitude and puzzling musical taste.

Junior Webster is the ancient jazz artist who played trumpet in the legendary jazz halls of New Orleans. Eubie keeps trying to get Cam to listen to his favorite album, "Cyprus Hill Blues," but Cam resists because it would involve too much commitment. To really dig into Cam's commitment-phobia, though, swing by his page elsewhere in this section.

We list Eubie and Junior together because we're pretty sure the Junior Webster that Cam meets on his journey is a symbolic representation of Eubie. After all, everyone Cam meets during his journey is conjured by Cam's imagination. Plus, Junior seems to be the only person Cam encounters who has all the answers about Dr. X and the Wizard of Reckoning, imparting life lessons to Cam just like Eubie tries to before Cam lands in the hospital. Go team.