Minor Characters

Character Analysis

There are a lot of minor characters in this book—and plenty of them are super minor. So here's a round-up of all the bit part players for your enjoyment.


Abby is a drug counselor Cam sees pre-mad cow diagnosis.

Arthur Limbaud

This dude is the honest car salesman from whom the boys buy Rocinante.


Carbine has the dubious distinction of being both a drug dealer and Balder's previous owner.


Daniel is the head honcho type kid (there's one in every group). Ruth has totally drunk the CESSNAB Kool-Aid, while Thomas is the kid who hasn't totally bought into the hype (you might even call him "doubting Thomas"). Rounding this group out is Library Chick, the girl who abducts Cam and helps lead the Revolution.

Chet King

Chet King is a self-absorbed born-again blowhard who starts touting religious fodder after a career-ending football injury sidelines him for good. He dates Jenna, which seems like a direct affront to Cameron for some reason.


Cameron's dad is a physicist who enjoys debunking quantum physics theories, possibly having an affair with his TA, and mowing the lawn every Saturday in his tennis whites. His relationship with Cam is contentious because he expects more from his surly teenaged son, and the constant disappointment wears on him like a festering sore.

The Doctors A, T, O, M and Ed

The docs are the scientists of Putopia, former colleagues of Dr. X and creators of an Infinity Collider. Ed is a strange kid who plays with Calabi Yau manifolds for fun.

Dr. X

Dr. X is the scientist whom Cameron is pursuing in hopes of getting him to close the wormhole he might have accidentally opened. He was once a brilliant scientist with Putopia, but his wife's early death screwed him up bad, and he warped into a twisted mad scientist who wants to stop death by turning everyone into snow globes.


Say hello to Gonzo's boyfriend, one of the minorest of minor characters.

Employees #457, 458, 221

These numerical characters are SWAT-type guys from United Snow Globe Wholesalers. They're such grunts that we only ever learn their numbers, never their names.

Glory Beauvais

Glory is the tenderhearted but gruff-seeming nurse who cares for Cam during his decline in the hospital. Keep an eye out for her infiltrating his journey—she's often a clue that reality is infringing upon Cam's fantasy.

Hitchhiking Dudebros: Marty, Dave, and Keith

These guys steal Balder, which is what brings the boys to the YA! Party House in Florida. Then Keith's forecasted untimely demise via roadside bomb is what causes Cam to get mad at Dulcie and attempt to change his fate.

Kevin, Kyle, and Rachel

These teens comprise the Conspiracy Theory and Gaming Society… a.k.a. the fourth-floor bathroom stoner brigade.


Lena is Cam's shift manager at Buddha Burger.

Luigi and Peri

This happy couple owns Cam's family's favorite Italian restaurant.


Marisol is a YA! TV VJ. The boys have to trick her into letting them get Balder back after she's decided he should be the new YA! Mascot—you know, because she's classy like that (not).

Miss Demeanor

Miss D is the helpful drag queen who saves Cameron and Gonzo from thugs and leads them to Junior Webster in New Orleans.


Cameron's mom is a scatter-brained English comp professor who could've been a major academic success if she'd ever been able to finish anything she started. As things stand, she's a loving if distracted parent with an affinity for Norse mythology.

Mr. Babcock

This guy is Cam's boss at Buddha Burger.

Mr. Glass

Cam's English teacher and the reason our main man's fantasy adventures are speckled with Don Quixote references.

Mrs. Rector

This lady is Cam's Spanish teacher and a rumored alcoholic. Hey, everyone struggles, man.

Mrs. Morae

Mrs. Morae is the old lady Cam meets in the hospital who tells him this wasn't the way she's supposed to die. For more on this, check out the "Symbolism" section.

Parker Day

An obnoxious Ryan Seacreast show business-type, Parker Day is the main host at the YA! Party House.


Pops is the slightly omniscient old man Cameron meets in Hope, Georgia. He gives Cam the magic screw along with some timely advice. Thanks, Pops.


Raina is Cam's dad's TA who he's maybe having an affair with. Good times.

Staci Johnson

Staci Johnson is the epitome of the Queen Bee stereotype. She popular, she's gorgeous, and Cam has the hots for her even though he despises everything she represents. Cam loses his virginity to her in a whopping three minutes of underwhelming okayness—and yes, we do mean only in his mind. Guess even in his wildest fantasies he doesn't try to impress Staci, despite pining after her.

Tara and Justin

Tara and Justin are a slightly seedy couple that take Cam to Carbine's party.

Wizard of Reckoning

The Wizard of Reckoning is the scary dude in black armor who pursues Cam and his buds… and in the end turns out to be some kind of Bizarro Cameron. Cam can run from his fate, but he can't hide, which is clear when the Wizard shows up near the end.