Legend Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

I have no sympathy for a criminal, I remind myself harshly. Just a score to settle. (1.20.14)

June may remind herself time and time again that she has no sympathy, but at the end of the day she can't convince herself that she doesn't care about Day's grief and his family's wellbeing. Why can't she shake off this guilt?

Quote #5

Some small part of me wants to smile at the sight, to feel the joy of avenging my brother's death. I pause, but the feeling doesn't come. My hands clench and unclench. The pool of blood underneath the woman is starting to make me feel sick. (1.22.10)

Even though she thought it'd make her happy to see Day suffer, the shooting of his mother makes June feel nothing but sick and guilty. Unlike Thomas, who doesn't seem affected at all, June starts to realize that she made a huge mistake in her quest for revenge.

Quote #6

I could tear the skin off her face right now if I weren't tied up. "Where are my brothers?" My voice comes out as a hoarse croak. "What have you done with Eden?" (2.1.12)

Day feels nothing but hatred toward June when she originally betrays him, but even so his focus remains on his brothers. He doesn't want revenge immediately—he wants his remaining family members to be safe.