Legend Revenge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

If she had not led to the death of my mother and my capture, if I did not wish she were dead, I would find her absolutely breathtaking. (2.1.14)

In her revenge, June has turned Day against her—even though he was one of the only people who understood and cared for her. She only had Metias before this, and now she's driven away the one other person who was starting to get attached to her.

Quote #8

"It matters because if you hadn't escaped, my brother would be alive right now. And I want to make sure no other filthy street con assigned to the labor camps escapes the system—so that this scenario won't play out ever again." (2.1.55)

June feels a lot of ire toward Day—she thinks he killed her brother—but it's all misplaced. It's never the filthy people from the slums who are doing the most despicable things… it's actually the finely dressed people carrying out the Republic's orders.

Quote #9

I even tell Thomas, as we wander the lavish ballroom with its endless banquet tables and chandeliers, that arresting Day has filled the gaping hole Metias's death left in my life. But even as I say it, I don't believe it. (2.2.3)

Revenge is a completely empty exercise for June. Even though she achieves what she thought she wanted, it turns out that she feels no satisfaction from putting Day in jail and having him executed. It doesn't make Metias's death any easier to take.