Legend Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #4

It's strange to hear her say my old name again. I rush to take Mom's injured hands in my own. They're shaking. "There's no time to explain." I try to ignore the expression in her eyes. […] How do I face a mother who's thought I was dead for so many years? (1.21.16)

That must be a bizarre and overwhelming revelation for Day's mother—the son she thought was dead this whole time is actually alive, and he's here to try to save her.

Quote #5

So. This is why she hunted me down. I take a deep breath. "Your brother. I didn't kill him—I couldn't have. Unlike you trigger-happy trots, I don't kill people." (2.1.42)

Day is actually the person who's telling the truth here. Thomas and Commander Jameson are both totally aware that he didn't kill Metias, but June doesn't know this—she still is operating under the Republic's lies.

Quote #6

"I wish I could have stopped Thomas. You and I are enemies, make no mistake about that… but I did not wish for such a thing to happen." (2.1.57)

Even though June knows that she's supposed to treat Day with complete disdain, she can't help but feel guilty about his mom's death. She has to apologize for it because she knows how much he must be hurting.