Legend Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Line)

Quote #7

The Day that killed my brother is a cruel, ruthless criminal. But who is the Day I met on the streets? Who is this boy that would risk his own safety for a girl he didn't know? (2.2.13)

Some things don't add up if June follows the Republic's stories. After all, it really doesn't seem like Day would ruthlessly kill Metias—he's a much more sensitive and loving person than that. Who's she supposed to believe?

Quote #8

Day didn't fail his Trial. Not even close. In fact, he got the same score I did: 1500/1500. I am no longer the Republic's only prodigy with a perfect score. (2.2.84)

The Republic has been lying to Day this whole time. He thought he failed his Trial, but in reality he's another prodigy. They lied to him and kept him from all the opportunities that he deserved.

Quote #9

They also run individual plague experiments on some of the children who fail the Trial. They don't go to labor camps, June.

None of them do.

They die. (2.10.69-71)

In his blog posts, Metias spares no details. He needs June to understand the truth so that she'll recognize the gravity of the situation and understand that she can't continue to follow the Republic blindly.