Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Chapter 52 Summary

  • The flock members all have an inborn sense of direction (cool trick), so it's easy for them to naturally go toward the School.
  • When they stop for a break, Fang and Nudge show the rest of their friends the maneuvers they learned from the hawks. Everyone's amazed.
  • They finally get close to the School and stop to find food. The kids watch as a fancy car pulls up to an ATM machine and a guy gets cash out.
  • Then a pick-up truck pulls into the parking lot, and they sneak into the woods because they're worried that there are Erasers.
  • As the man in the fancy car rolls down his window to yell at the pick-up truck, the window of the pick-up truck rolls down and the kids see Ari inside. Uh-oh…