Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Let me tell you a secret, old pal, old chap," Ari yelled at me. "You've got it all wrong. We're the good guys!" (7.14)

It's mind-boggling that the Erasers don't see how evil the scientists at the School are… or are they privy to some information that the flock doesn't have? What if Ari is right?

Quote #2

"It's a… wing," I whispered. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ella frown. "My, um, wing." Silence. "It got hurt too."

I took a deep breath, feeling like I was going to hurl, then slowly and painfully extended my wing just a bit, so Ella's mom could see where I'd been shot. (31.28-29)

You have to hand it to Dr. Martinez and Ella—they are super good at rolling with the punches. They don't treat Max differently after she admits her hybrid status to them at all; instead they just go along with it.

Quote #3

I pressed my lips together and looked away. My head was throbbing. I wanted to tell her—that was the awful part. Something inside me wanted to blurt out everything. But I couldn't. Not after years of Jeb telling me I couldn't trust anybody, ever. (40.17)

Max wants to tell Dr. Martinez the truth about where she comes from and why she's on the run, but after all this time spent keeping secrets, she can't very well blurt out her whole life story. That would be dangerous.