Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

To them, we're six moving targets—prey smart enough to be a fun challenge. Basically, they want to rip our throats out. (P9)

The Erasers sure know how to have fun… not. Their favorite activity involves hunting down the flock members and trying to kill them. No wonder the flock members aren't all that into hanging out with them.

Quote #2

Tears were streaming down my cheeks, their salt stinging where the Eraser had raked me with his claws. Moving automatically, I got the first aid kit and started cleaning the Gasman's scrapes and cuts. I looked around. Nudge's cheek was bleeding; some shrapnel had burned her as it flew past. For once she wasn't talking—she was curled on the couch, crying. (9.4)

Ouch, those are some brutal wounds. The Erasers don't go easy on the flock members just because they're a bunch of kids—and they especially don't go easy on Max. They'll kill her if they're given permission to do so.

Quote #3

But every time she stopped running, a sadistic whitecoat—Reilly—zapped her with a stick thing. It jolted electricity into her, making her yelp and jump. She had four burn marks from it already, and they really, really hurt. What was worse was that she could feel his eager anticipation—he wanted to hurt her. (16.2)

These scientists are the worst. They're willing to hurt a little girl repeatedly just to run her through a barrage of tests. No wonder the flock members won't trust them no matter what they say—we don't either.