Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Gasman would die before he went back there. Angel would rather have died too, he knew—but she hadn't had a choice. (32.4)

If it comes to a choice between going back to the School and dying, the flock members will choose death, thank you very much. They're not about to put their fates into the hands of those psycho scientists again.

Quote #2

Fang's dark eyes widened in surprise. "What? Nudge, you're crazy. Come on, let's talk about it. Let's find a place, take a break."

"No!" said Nudge, tears coming to her eyes again. "I'm going down—and you can't stop me!" (38.21-22)

Given the chance to learn more about her "real" family, Nudge isn't going to back down. She doesn't care if it probably won't work out—she just wants to take her destiny into her own hands for once.

Quote #3

"Yeah, but what now? We're kinda all dressed up with no place to go," Iggy said. "There's no way we can go home—they're probably everywhere. What are we supposed to do with ourselves? And what if Max and the others come back just to fly into an ambush?" (39.4)

Are Iggy and the Gasman just going to resign themselves to dying at the hands of the Erasers? No way. They're going to build some bombs, set up some traps, and prepare to take them down Home Alone style.