Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Fate and Free Will Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Max, everything you've done, everything you are, everything you can be, is tied into your destiny. Your life is worth the lives of thousands. The fact that you are alive is the most important thing anyone has ever accomplished." (62.4)

According to Jeb, the stakes are high when it comes to Max and her decisions in life. She, however, would just like to carry on doing whatever she wants instead of hearing what he has to say about the "important" things that she needs to do.

Quote #8

How about us? How long would we last? Well, as far as I knew, we were the oldest recombinant beings the School had ever produced.

And we could devolve and expire at any time. (69.16-17)

The flock members don't even get to assume that they're going to live long, healthy lives like other people. Because they're science experiments, they have no idea how long their lifespans are—they could conceivably "expire" any time now.

Quote #9

Angel nodded, smoothing her bear's fur down around its ears. "Yeah. I just asked her to buy it for me. You know, with my mind." (91.21)

Angel obviously isn't old enough to understand the ethics of influencing people's thoughts and forcing them to do things they otherwise wouldn't. It's a good thing that she's only using her powers to get free teddy bears so far.