Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The thing about airbags is that when you hit something at fifty or sixty miles an hour, they inflate with enough raw force to slam you back against your seat like a rag doll, possibly breaking your face. Which is what this one had done to me, I concluded, trying to stem the gush of blood from my nose. (58.2)

Ouch. It's a good thing that Max is no stranger to physical pain, because getting into a car accident at top speed has to be pretty rough. Still, she manages to soldier through it… even though she gets captured by the Erasers.

Quote #8

I grinned evilly. Then I leaned over and chomped hard on Ari's fingers. He sucked in a deep breath, then yelled in awful pain. I gathered my strength and bit down harder, until I actually felt my teeth break his skin, tasted his horrible blood. But you know what? I didn't care. Seeing Ari hurt was worth it. (64.6)

Yikes. Max isn't one to engage in unnecessary violence, but desperate times call for desperate measures. When she's cornered by the scientists and about to be torn to bits by Erasers, of course she's going to take out some of her aggression on Ari.

Quote #9

Then Ari bent over Fang's body, his muzzle open, canines sharp and ready to tear Fang's throat. "Had enough," he growled viciously, "of life?"

Oh, God, oh, God, not Fang, not Fang, not Fang—(116.23-24)

Those Erasers are not kidding around when it comes to gratuitous violence. Ari may have known Fang as a kid, but he's this close to killing him. It's a good thing that Jeb shows up when he does—otherwise Fang would definitely be dead meat.