Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Nudge and Angel nodded, concerned, and Fang kept staring at me. I had no idea what he was thinking. Was he wondering if I was a traitor? Was he wondering if Jeb had managed to turn me—or if I had been in league with Jeb from the beginning? (62.16)

Once the flock members find out that Jeb has betrayed them (maybe from the beginning), everything comes into question. So much so that Max wouldn't even blame her friends for believing that she's in cahoots with the School.

Quote #8

I turned slightly so the others couldn't see me and mouthed, "The Voice."

He nodded. "But Max," he whispered, barely audible, "what if this is all a trap?" (89.6-7)

Fang is pretty skeptical of the voice inside of Max's head, and to be honest, she is, too—this could all be one big trap. But it's not like she has any better options right now. She'll just have to follow the voice's instructions until she figures out what its deal is.

Quote #9

"I'm up for it," I said briskly, as Fang's eyes widened a fraction of an inch. I gave him a meaningful look. "We'd love to be made over. Make us look completely different." (109.19)

Being chased by the Erasers totally stinks for the flock members, and they're willing to do anything to evade capture. So when they get the chance to alter their appearances, they jump for it. Why not get some nifty disguises for free?