The Raven Boys Chapter 17 Summary

  • Several days later, Blue wakes up before dawn and goes out to their big, canopied backyard. She finds Neeve kneeling outside and apologizes for interrupting her.
  • But when Neeve looks up at her, she realizes that she doesn't recognize Blue. And Neeve's voice, when she speaks, doesn't sound like her at all. It looks like dear old Aunt Neeve is currently possessed.
  • When Blue talks to whatever spirit inhabits her aunt, it tells her that it is on the corpse road. Something about the spirit freaks her out, and so she knocks over the candle and bowl of water in front of Neeve, and then holds her breath in the darkness.
  • When Neeve lifts her head again, her voice is normal and she tells her niece not to tell her mother what happened. Blue is agitated—after all, something really frightening just happened.
  • Neeve says that she was scrying and that it got a little out of hand because the energy in Henrietta is so much stronger.