The Raven Boys Chapter 16 Summary

  • The night after the reading, Gansey wakes up to an awful sound. Ronan's little bird is making awful noises and keeping them all up. She has to be fed every two hours for the first six weeks… which means they're all going to be sleep-deprived for a while.
  • Gansey goes back into his room and hears a faint buzzing. He's afraid that it could be a bee or wasp, since he's deadly allergic and his EpiPen is far away, in the glove box of his car.
  • When he gets up to look, he finds the wasp crawling up the windowsill. He looks at it in fascination, before he hears Ronan coming up behind him and slamming a shoe down on the wasp.
  • Gansey looks at the wasp and thinks how he's been given another chance at life. Noah comes in and tells him not to throw it away.