The Raven Boys Chapter 32 Summary

  • Blue knocks on the door of Gansey's apartment, looking for the boys because they didn't come get her after school. Ronan tells her that only Adam is here, since Gansey is home with his parents and Noah is, well, dead.
  • Since there are no plans to explore, Adam asks Blue if she wants to just hang out. Blue agrees, and calls out to Noah that if he needs her energy to appear, he can use it.
  • When she asks Adam where he lives, he gets a little cagey and she has to remind him that she doesn't care if he's not rich—after all, she's not exactly swimming in a gold vault like Scrooge McDuck either.
  • He shows her some of the stuff that Gansey has found in his search for strange places, and then tells her that she's very pretty. She gets awkward from the compliment and the fact that he's looking at her like he'd like to kiss her.
  • Blue tells him that she likes it when he says those things, and that she likes him, but that's he doesn't want him to kiss her because… because she's very young. Well, that was some kind of save.
  • They're interrupted when Ronan comes in and asks Blue if she'd like to hold Chainsaw, the baby raven. She does, but the bird obviously prefers to be held by Ronan.
  • Without warning, Noah shows up and they all stare at him. Blue tells him that she missed him, which makes Noah smile and reach out to pet her hair.
  • He seems pretty wan, though, so Blue lets him hold her hand and take some of her energy. Then she asks him when he died. And guess what? It was seven years ago… the same year that Gansey was stung by all those hornets.
  • Noah remembers that he was looking for the ley lines with someone and that the person tried out the ritual and ended up killing him. When Ronan asks him who did it, Noah gets sad and says that it was one of his friends.
  • He says that his friend was upset, had lost everything, and that he wasn't thinking straight; he also says that they already know the person who killed him.