The Raven Boys Chapter 7 Summary

  • As they sit there and eat, Adam explains to Gansey that they should see a psychic in order to ask about energy work. The ley lines are energy, and so maybe a psychic would be able to tell them something.
  • When they get their bill, they see that their waitress, Cialina, has left her number. Too bad it's not the number of the girl that Adam was checking out—she is definitely not interested in any of them.
  • Gansey looks at Adam and sees that there are dark circles underneath his eyes. He wishes that he could give Adam money so that he wouldn't have to spend so many late nights working and studying, but he knows that Adam would never accept it. He'd see it as charity.
  • As they're sitting there together, Noah suddenly tells them that Declan is here… and so is Ronan. That is not good news.
  • The boys run out into the parking lot just in time to see Ronan punching his brother while Ashley sits in the car, horrified.
  • Gansey steps between them and breaks up the fight, telling Declan that he is not his father, and that he shouldn't try to be now that Niall Lynch (Ronan and Declan's father) is dead.
  • After Declan and Ashley take off, Ronan tells Gansey that he wants to quit. But Gansey says that he has to stay at Aglionby for another year—he can't leave school; he has to graduate with them.
  • Adam jogs up to them and says that he was able to convince the owner of Nino's not to call the cops. That's good; at least they won't have to deal with that mess.
  • As they talk, Adam says that he thinks there's something fishy about Ashley. He just gets the feeling that someone—if not her—is on their trail. Gansey says that's a good sign. It means that they're getting closer to finding something.