The Raven Boys Chapter 23 Summary

  • The helicopter lands, and Gansey hops out. His friends follow, and they check out the image of raven, which appears to be made out of oyster shells.
  • Gansey pulls out an electromagnetic frequency meter, which makes Blue scoff at him. Apparently, she really doesn't like that he's so rich and has all these gadgets. Gansey is hurt by her tone, but they have bigger fish to catch right now: Namely, an old Welsh king named Glendower.
  • Even though Helen told them to only be gone for two seconds, Gansey decides to follow a small stream with a particularly high energy reading. They go into the trees and look around, when all of a sudden, they realize that none of their watches are working.
  • It's all kind of eerie, so Blue puts her hand out and Adam takes it. Is this all just an excuse to get some nookie?
  • They get to a small pool of water, and Gansey points out a bunch of black and silver fish inside. He says that he feels like they're there because he willed them into being.
  • Everyone tells him that he's being crazy, but he tells them to look for the red fish. When they look back into the water, all the fish are brilliantly red. How peculiar…
  • They're trying to puzzle it out when they hear Adam's voice. He's just emerged from a man-sized cavity in an old oak tree and looks shaken up; he tells them to go inside and check it out.
  • Blue isn't afraid, so she steps in. Immediately, she's seized by a vision of her crying and kissing Gansey to kill him. She steps outside, and refuses to tell the boys what she's seen.
  • When she sees Adam, he says that he would never do that to someone, which makes her realize that he had a completely different vision.
  • Gansey steps into the tree cavity and comes out. When he emerges, he looks delighted. He didn't see himself kissing Blue, or whatever awful thing Adam did—nope, he saw Glendower.