The Raven Boys Resources

Read all about Maggie Stiefvater, the Raven Cycle, and anything Raven Boys-related that your heart desires.
Articles and Interviews

In this interview with Maggie Stiefvater, we get to hear all about her high school years and what she was like as a teenager.

Maggie Stiefvater reveals to readers that she too, loves the Camaro, and that she's a fast driver—so watch out, and fasten your seatbelts.

Check out the animated trailer for The Raven Boys. Is that how you imagined Gansey and Blue to look? Also: Stiefvater did the animation and the music.

Watch an interview with Maggie Stiefvater and learn more about why she's writing about paranormal activity and where she gets her ideas from.

Don't you wish that books had a soundtrack? Well, this one does. And Stiefvater wrote it herself. What a slacker…

The trees speak Latin in The Raven Boys… and you can listen to the wood-pulp pages of the book, too. Just download the audiobook version.

The Raven Boys has a dark cover for an appropriately dark and mysterious book.

Maggie Stiefvater's headshot makes her look like a heroine in one of her own teen novels. Maybe they're all based off of her own life.

There's plenty of fan art surrounding The Raven Boys floating around the Internet. Does this look hunky enough to you?