The Raven Boys Theme of The Home

In The Raven Boys, all of the main characters have their own specific places they call home—for good and for bad. Blue has grown up in a big house filled with psychics her whole life, and while it's chaotic, crazy, and sometimes claustrophobic, she still loves it. And Gansey and his friends feel utterly themselves in his big posh apartment. Even Adam feels more comfortable in his trailer park home than he does at any fancy mansion. But most of all, all the characters call the fascinating town of Henrietta home. And they're determined to figure out its many secrets.

Questions About The Home

  1. Why does Gansey decide to go to school at Aglionby, of all places?
  2. Why is Adam so against moving out of his parents' home? Why can't he just move in with Gansey and their other friends?
  3. How does Aunt Neeve's arrival change the dynamic in Blue's house? Is it for better or for worse?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Gansey comes from a big, posh mansion on the outskirts of Washington D.C., but Henrietta is his real home because it's the place that he's chosen for himself.

Even though Adam desperately wants to get out of his family home, he doesn't want to move into Gansey's apartment. It could never be home because he'd always be there as a charity case.