The Raven Boys Society and Class Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"It's an all-boys school. For politicians' sons and oil barons' sons and for"—Blue struggled to think of who else might be rich enough to send their kids to Aglionby—"the sons of mistresses living off hush money."

Neeve raised an eyebrow without looking up.

"No, really, they're awful," Blue said. (1.35-37)

Blue makes the Aglionby student population sound like something straight out of a soap opera. The sons of mistresses living off hush money? Come on. She obviously sees their excessive wealth as a negative trait.

Quote #2

Girlfriend, in fluttering white silk, looked a lot like Brianna, or Kayleigh, or whoever Declan's last girlfriend had been. They all had blond, shoulder-length hair and eyebrows that matched Declan's dark leather shoes. Declan, wearing the suit that his senior-year political internship required, looked thirty. (4.4)

Declan and his lady friend certainly look the part of a wealthy, high-class couple—even though they're still only in high school. Adam's description of them makes them sound like they're the Kennedys.

Quote #3

A small voice within Adam asked whether he would ever look this grand on the inside, or if it was something you had to be born into. Gansey was the way he was because he had lived with money when he was small, like a virtuoso placed at a piano bench as soon as he could sit. Adam, a latecomer, a usurper, still stumbled over his clumsy Henrietta accent and kept his change in a cereal box under his bed. (4.21)

No matter how much time Adam spends around his friends, he can't help but feel like he doesn't exactly belong in their world. They move through high society so easily, whereas he's still learning the ropes.