The Raven Boys Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Raven Boys? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What does Noah claim that he's been telling people all this time?

That he's dead
That Whelk killed him
That he really hates going to class
That he doesn't want to eat pizza
Q. What sets Gansey on his search for Glendower?

A conversation with Barrington Whelk
Rebelling against his dad
Being stung by a nest of hornets as a kid
Reading about Glendower in history class
Q. What are the two paths that Adam is trying to choose between?

Staying at home or moving in with Gansey
Dating Blue or becoming a celibate monk
Hanging out with Noah or running away from him because he's a ghost
Staying in school or joining a boy band
Q. Why doesn't killing Neeve count as a sacrifice for Whelk?

Because she's not a real person
Because it wouldn't be a personal sacrifice
Because the ley line only gives you one chance to sacrifice
Because he didn't sign on the dotted line of the sacrifice paperwork
Q. What do Blue and her mother do every St. Mark's Eve?

Take down the names of people who are going to die in the next year
Go to Disneyland and ride on Splash Mountain
Go to visit her dad in Peru
Have a girls' night with her psychic aunts