The Raven Boys Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But at Aglionby, there were no failing grades. If you dropped below a B average, you were out on your ass. And Dick Gansey II had let his son know that if he couldn't hack it in a private school, Gansey was cut out of the will.

He'd said it nicely, though, over a plate of fettuccine. (12.17-18)

In Gansey's world, everything seems to be contingent on success and money—even how his own family members feel about him. It's no wonder that he comes across as a little snobbish sometimes; he learned it from the best.

Quote #5

"When is Mom's birthday?" Helen asked. Gansey was simultaneously pleased to hear her voice and annoyed to be bothered by something so trivial. For the most part, he and his sister got along well; Gansey siblings were a rare and complicated species, and they didn't have to pretend to be something they weren't around each other. (14.2)

Siblings sometimes hate each other (Ronan and Declan are a great example of this), but that's not the case for Gansey and his older sister. They're the only people in the world who understand each other, since they come from the same circumstances.

Quote #6

"Damn straight," Calla agreed. "I wondered when you were going to go all rebellious on us. Why aren't you asking your mother?"

"Because I'm angry at her for telling me what to do." (19.15-16)

Uh-oh, it looks like Blue's relationship with Maura is hitting a snag now that Blue's going through her rebellious teenage years. She's basically hell-bent on doing the only thing that Maura has ever forbidden her to do—that is, hanging out with the raven boys.