The Raven Boys Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Because of course President Cell Phone had brought most of his posse from Nino's, everyone but the smudgy boy. They filled the hallway to overflowing, somehow, the three of them, loud and male and so comfortable with one another that they allowed no one else to be comfortable with them. (15.32)

Gansey and his friends may be obnoxious (especially to an Aglionby hater like Blue), but there's no denying that they've built a strong spirit of camaraderie with each other. They're true friends to the end.

Quote #5

This all seemed very manly and Aglionby to Blue, this calling of one another by last names and bantering about outdoor urinary habits. It also seemed like it could go on for a long time, so she interrupted, changing the subject back to Glendower. (23.48)

Even though they have big fat trust funds, high vocabularies, and an interest in the supernatural, the raven boys are still your typical teenage friends. They're full of hijinks and making fun of each other.

Quote #6

What happened was they drove to Harry's and parked the Camaro next to an Audi and a Lexus and Gansey ordered flavors of gelato until the table wouldn't hold any more bowls and Ronan convinced the staff to turn the overhead speakers up and Blue laughed for the first time at something Gansey said and they were loud and triumphant and kings of Henrietta, because they'd found the ley line and because it was starting, it was starting. (24.39)

There's nothing that brings people together quite like supernatural phenomena and a group gelato trip. Blue thinks she has nothing in common with the raven boys, but after a jaunt to look for ley lines, she has to admit that they're starting to grow on her.